Saturday, October 18, 2008

Rocks oh pretty.

As some of you might know I'm a geology major and as such I collect rocks. So here are a few I have collected recently.
This rock here is glacial till from Canada it was brought down by the Glaciers of the last Ice Age.

Unfortunately for this rock and the next I don't know what they are but thought they were cool so I picked them up.

On my recent trip to PA. I picked up some Coal. This is Andersite coal it is the cleanest, and most efficent heat producer of coal. It is the best but hardest to mine. I picked up this little picece some of my friends brought home large ones. Also Coal is a great place to find fossils also other neat things. To tell if its coal its usally black and light weight despite its size. Also some time coal may have oil in it so it gives off a rainbow when you look at it.

Hey if your reading the bottom means that there will be a vid some time soon. Which review it is will be a suprise.

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